Covid-19 puts freeze on club rugby

IT GIVES ME A CRAMP: Breakers will have to wait a little longer to resume the new rugby season
Picture: SOURCED

Border rugby has postponed the start of the club rugby season for at least two weeks, pending a review of the current Covid-19 level 4 lockdown regulations and the third wave.

This was communicated to clubs by Border Rugby administrator Basil Haddad who wrote in a statement distributed to all Super and Premier League clubs: “In light of the worsening trend of the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa, the move back to adjusted level 4 lockdown regulations announced by president Ramaphosa, and after consultation with SA Rugby and in line with the decision of all other provincial rugby unions, I advise that the commencement of the Super and Premier league competitions will be postponed for at least two weeks, and that all first division and other competitions under the control of district unions must be similarly postponed or suspended, pending a review of the situation on July 12.

“Squad training is similarly suspended during this minimum two-week period, to only comply with fundamental social distancing requirements.

“The underlying commitment to heed the president’s call to endeavour to contain the spread of Covid-19 wherever possible is the primary motivation for the decision, and I trust that you will respect the need to protect the safety and wellbeing of our players, team management and officials in this extremely dangerous environment, for as long as it continues.”

This brings a freeze to the pending rugby season again. However clubs are hopeful that the resumption of the league program will happen soon, perhaps some time later in July or early August.