Face 2 Face with Michaela Isaacs

Q: What do you do?

A: I work a full-time job at Royal Capital Education Centre in administration. I am also studying international accounting at the University of Johannesburg part-time. I also consider being a wife to an amazing husband and mom of two children as a full-time job, together with my husband we are the directors of two successful companies Al Decor and Call a Cabby and I am a network marketer through the vehicle of total life changes where I help impact many people’s lives on a daily and weekly basis.


Q: Why did you decide to start a business?
A: I started a business simply because I always held entrepreneurial qualities. Entrepreneurship is generational for me. I always had the passion to do more for myself my family and other people. So me opening a business is not only for the betterment of my family but I see it as a way to help other families.


Q: What are some of the challenges of running a small business?

A: There are many challenges in running a small business. It varies on the season we find ourselves in. At this point the challenge would be in terms of our decor and events company, the different levels of the lockdown has affected the smooth running of the business. But I honestly see a challenge as another opportunity. Most of our businesses were birthed through challenges.


Q: What are the careers one can pursue when they study international accounting?

A: I would not say I would like to pursue a career as per se. I am simply studying accounting to get background knowledge on how to run our businesses.  The principles and concepts that I have learned thus far I am already able to apply to my daily methods of operation.


Q: What do you think about the protests and looting currently happening around the country?

A: To be honest, I feel like it is really sad. We cannot point fingers at anyone. I firmly believe we just have to trust God to take us through this process. People are desperate and are crying out for help.


Q: What do you love doing during your downtime?

A: I spend time with my husband and children. I always like to visualize so I will spend time on Pinterest and download pictures of what I would love to pursue. Basically adding to my vision board.


Q: What I love about Komani?

A: I love that it is a small town. There is so much potential for our town. We have so many people in this town with so much talent, wisdom and knowledge. Our town is beautiful we are surrounded by so much beauty. And I firmly believe that Komani will be restored to its full potential. We just have to believe it. We have great schools. Great leaders have been birthed in this town.