Face to Face with Fidelia Malatoe, DA constituency co-ordinator
What do you find interesting about the position you hold in society?
It is the fact that I know I can make a difference in people’s lives – even if it is just 15 people – by inspiring them, giving them hope and lending an ear to the needs of people.
What would you like to see change in politics?
I would like to see all politicians who hold a position to serve their communities, so that our people have a voice in their respective municipalities.
What challenges do you face as a woman in politics?
Being undermined, especially because I’m regarded as still too young
Which woman do you look up to and why?
I have two – Elmarie Botha, my boss in Port Elizabeth, who has taught me to always remain strong in what I believe and Lizelle Maurice, my aunt in East London. One day she said to me, “At the start of your journey never allow anyone to tell you what you cannot do.”
What fuels your motivation daily?
It is knowing I can still make a difference, even when it does not look like it. I will keep trying for as long as I have a voice.
Which moment would you describe as your proudest and why?
The day I married my husband, Rushane Malatoe, my biggest support and best friend.
How do you feel about GBV?
In South Africa women’s rights are undermined, that is why so many women are dying at the hands of men.
What is the most concerning thing for you, that is happening in our community?
It is witnessing our country daily deteriorating to the powers of corruption and fraud.
What are your other interests?
I love spending time with my three children and husband. They remind me every day why I do what I do and give my best.
What does the month of August mean to you?
It means so much more than we make it out to be. It is a month when we are able to celebrate the queens in our minds, who give birth to a new generation daily.