With the deadline looming to convene the first full council meeting to elect an executive mayor and speaker, the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality’s inaugural council meeting is currently underway.
Municipalities have until November 23 to set up councils.
The Rep reported earlier this month that the ANC won 32 of the 34 wards in EMLM, amassing 62.17% of the votes with 44 council seats.
The Independents, as the new kids on the block, secured six seats in the municipality while Isanco got two.
The DA received 10.68% votes with seven council seats, a decline from nine.
The EFF came third with 7.86% votes without gaining or losing any wards; it has, however, managed to retain its 6 previous seats in the council.
This is a developing story, and for a full report, read The Rep on Friday.