Queenstown joins celebrations to mark International Nurses’ Day


NURSES CELEBRATED: Nurses from Life Queenstown Private Hospital, from left, Primrose Nomandindi, a registered nurse; Ayanda Tukwayo, a clinical training specialist; Zandile Ntlebi, a registered nurse and Dellen Lackay, sitting down, an infection prevention specialist, celebrated International Nurses’ Day on Thursday Picture: SUPPLIED

Life Healthcare hospitals in the Border-Kei region including Life Queenstown Private Hospital, proudly acknowledged their nurses on International Nurses’ Day on May 12, with the theme Nursing Now: A Voice to Lead.

“We are extremely proud of the sacrifices our nurses make each day to tend to our patients. They have earned the respect of an entire country for their valiant efforts during the pandemic,” said Merle Victor, chief nurse officer at Life Healthcare.

Full story in The Rep newspaper.