Image: Chatsworth Crime Watch
A Durban man has been caught allegedly stealing flowers from graves which he sold to bereaved families at a cemetery‚ then reselling them.
Chatsworth Crime Watch said on its Facebook page that the man was arrested at Shallcross Muslim Cemetery by security companies after his alleged victims reported him on its WhatsApp group.
Chatsworth Crime Watch said he allegedly waits for families to leave‚ then steals the flowers and returns them to buckets for resale.
“It is alleged the man reports ‘very little sales’ to his boss and pockets the day’s takings.
“Families have reported other items of value been stolen from graves‚” said Chatsworth Crime Watch.
It is understood that none of the families have laid charges against the man.
Facebook users were outraged.
One said: “No respect for the dead any more in this insanely crazy world or for the bereaved family members. It just shows how low people will go to feed their criminal minds.”
Another wrote: “I don’t understand some people‚ that’s a last place you should think of.
“How bad is it to steal from the dead?”
Source: ARENA Holdings.