Ilinge youths benefit from NHBRC construction training

IN CONSTRUCTION: Training staff members of the National Home Builders Registration Council with training beneficiaries of the construction skills development training in Ilinge stand in front of a house during their site visits Picture: ZOLILE MENZELWA
THE National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), in partnership with Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality, is currently embarking on training for the unemployed youth of Ilinge.
Training is set to start this week.
A total number of 20 young people are beneficiaries of the programme. The first phase of the training, a three day technical skills workshop, aims to empower the youth with technical sills and compliance information. This is in preparation for the rollout of the accredited training programme.
NHBRC provincial training officer Abongile Ntloko said the workshop comprised of theory and practical training. The workshop will be facilitated by NHBRC technical training experts focusing on different types of soils, foundations, roofing and finishing. For the full story, Read The Rep next week.