Care centre under threat

BROKEN HOME: Khayalethemba Special Care Centre manager Nomatile Mokoena shows The Rep one of the broken windows at the centre. The name of the centre, loosely translated, means ‘home of hope’ Picture: ZOLILE MENZELWA

PARENTS of disabled children living in the Mlungisi area might be dealt a heavy blow if the alleged attempt by the department of social development to close the dilapidated Khayalethemba Special Care Centre comes to fruition.

The Rep recently visited the school after hearing of the bad condition of the centre’s building.

Centre manager Nomatile Mokoena said the centre started operations in 1992, operating at Philani Clinic. The current building had been sponsored by BP, she said, after they had to leave the clinic.

The school started with five children but by 1999, 40 children were enrolled.

She said she started the school with other parents and training was received via the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.

“Government gives us R17 per child a day and when they reach the age of 18, that funding stops.

“The social development department is telling us they can not fund us as the centre is not safe for the children,” she said, adding that it was not clear why the department could not fix the centre.

The Rep arrived to find broken window panes, vandalised ceiling boards and a fence that had fallen over.

Mokoena said she was told the children at the centre should instead go to Phumelela Special Care Centre in Ezibeleni.

“What is going to happen to the children whose parents can not afford transport money? Some of the parents can’t even afford the monthly R50 they have to pay here.”

Mokoena said the departmental payment only arrived every three months, with multiple break-ins at the centre. Computers, a gas stove, sewing machines and chairs had previously been stolen.

She said the centre recently received a donation of a gas stove, chairs and groceries from Yolo Lounge. “I have come to love these children and sometimes I think of quitting, but I don’t have the courage to leave the children,” she said.

Despite indicating that he would attend to the media enquiry, social development communications officer in the Chris Hani District area Siphumelele Mdyodyo had not responded to questions sent last week by the time of going to print..