Bad employers under spotlight

EMPLOYERS who exploit their employees, including government sector departments, municipalities and the private sector, will be in the spotlight on Monday as worker federation Cosatu kick-starts its May Day activities with a march to the local labour department.

Cosatu regional chairman Mongameli Mancam said the march would start at the Thobi Kula Indoor Sports Complex at 10am and would end with a memorandum of grievances being handed over to the labour department in Robinson Road.

“We want to expose the employers who exploit their employees. We are also intensifying our fight against the casualisation of jobs and we want to give meaning to the concept of decent jobs.”

Cosatu national office bearers Oscar Phaka, ANC national executive committee member and Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, SACP central committee member Fezeka Loliwe and Sanco national executive committee member SPD Skosana will form part of the march.

This year’s theme is unity and cohesion “within Cosatu and the broader alliance”.

He said Cosatu would be pushing its campaigns of fighting labour brokers, e-tolls and a demand for the implementation of national health insurance.

The event will have Joe Gqabi Cosatu branch members attending in Komani with representatives of the ANC, Cosatu and Sanco also expected to attend.

“After the march we will go to Mzingisi Skweyiya Hall where the main event of the day will take place at around 11am. We want to show that Cosatu is vibrant and continues to fight for worker rights.”