Making the world a kinder place — one gesture at a time

If someone smiles at you in the street today‚ or offers to carry your shopping bag‚ they may be trying to make the world a better place because it’s World Kindness Day.

It’s a day that anyone can participate in — and everyone who does is likely to feel better for it.

Started in 1998 as an effort to make the world a better place‚ the idea of random acts of kindness to strangers has spread around the world‚ and World Kindness Day is now celebrated in 28 countries.

No act of kindness is too big or too small — all acts are part of the bigger picture of connecting humankind.

Some people told TimesLIVE in Cape Town how they planned to mark the day.

“I like to give compliments to random people because I think it could make someone’s day‚” said Tiffany Japtha from Blue Downs. For Nonzukiso Mpapama from Strand‚ the day will be better if “you just give everyone a smile“.

“If everyone was equal‚ it would make the world a better place‚” said Mpriza Zitha from Khayelitsha.

“Stop being selfish. It’s as easy as that‚” said Taurik Hendricks from Mitchells Plain.

“I’m going to be more accepting of people regardless of what or who they are‚” said Sisonke Ndabambi from Dunoon.

And for Angie Kelly from Pinelands‚ kindness is simple: “The basis of being kind is that you’re seeing people. Acknowledging the person who’s serving you at the table. Or when you’re walking past somebody else and just acknowledging the fact that they’re walking in the opposite direction.”

Francine Barchett‚ Natalie Elliott And Corey D Smith