Social security agency Sassa has announced that people with disabilities and the elderly will be paid on May 4 in an effort to curb Covid-19 spread.
All other grant payments are scheduled
to start from May 6.
Social security agency Sassa has announced that people with disabilities and the elderly will be paid on May 4 in an effort to curb Covid-19 spread.
All other grant payments are scheduled
to start from May 6.
Why do people have to always look for faults with our president and make stupid commends where is your self-respect i don’t think it’s easy to run a country and satisfy every one we are millions that need help and I’m sure the president and cabinet knows what they are doing we must rather ask the people why they are behaving so baldly and change their way of thinking and stop thinking just about themselves and start thinking and respecting the people around you.
Thanks for the update on the grant payment dates.
1. But we are still waiting to know about the people who turned 60 years during the lockdown.
How are they going to get their old age pension.
2. Covid-19 distress for the unemployed, they are no application forms.
Thank you for taking care of the disadvantaged
The elderly
The poor
People of The Rainbow Nation
God Bless 🙏❤️🔥
I wish that someone can help me to get back a disability grant that my son used to get he has special needs n was rejected his grant when we reviewed n I think it’s not fair what is happening to the ones that really need the grant
UIF payments I have registered just need to come and sign. When are they opening in Randburg
Kan hulle nie elk maand die uitbetaling dorn volgens die weeke vandie maand nie
Bv. Eerste week ouderdoms betaling.
Tweede werk ongeskilklike betaling.
Derde week kinder tolae.
Dan sal daar meer geld oor n langer tyd wees in n huis houding en DIE SKOPPER sal minder beheer he oor mense se geld.
Teen die 4de en 5de week van die maand kry die algemene arbeider en huishulp hulle betaling.
Dankie vir julle onbaatsugtelik werk.
Ns. Minfer kanse vir groot roof togte minder geld word vervoer na kleiner dorp.
Yes please!
It Sooooo sorry that our whites that’s unemployed can’t benefit from SASSA and we the ones who pay our taxes Shame on the government!!
Please I need to apply for a child support grant however no response on email or toll free number. Please help! !
Pensioners also got debit order for funeral cover going off on the 1st of every and policies will sassa broadcast country wide that it should happen in the 7th as extra charges from banks for insufficient funds
Please indicate when will New registration for elderly people resume.
Yes day hef leef the increase
When and how do we apply for the unemployment Grant
I fully agree with the call EFF is making that these grants must be extended to more than six months, Infact these grants must be permanent.
Since the announcement of the social grant increase, as a tax payer I am confused as this money is going to help are people through the pandemic or this is just a HUGE BONUS to “BOMASHONISA”. Aa saying this because most of social grand beneficiaries in my township do not have their cards with them as they are owned by people who they land money from. Moreover many of them are illiterate and some are liretate but do not track how much do they owe. What the government has done is good to help our people. But the is no good management of money as it is not going to benefit the relevant people.
Just want to ask where to go apply for child support grant? Since our children suffering. We tried all the contact numbers with no success. Please help south africa. Mostly the free state province.
Nelly 0761333661
Is j
open to the public
Hi to whom this may concern it’s very difficult getting through on the landline to apply for the unemployment fund is there another method I can us I do realize you people are under lots of stress
Good thing. Different days.old age Disability
One day and children grants another day.
How do I get my mom of age 72 to complete forms and where do we register her.
Thank you
My comment is this good about payment and grant must not be reduced, and how will people apply for unemployment benefits. Government cant give and take Mr. Malema is right when he say grants must be increasing
I have not received my pension since Dec 2019 die to being reviewed I have submitted my forms for review but have not heard thing and can’t find a number or email with which I can query it.
Please help me
J Gunter 6803220148086
Good afternoon i lost my sassa card now i can’t go fetch my pension what must i do now
How much will old age Sassa receive
Applaying for 350 rlief grantm
Hello I take treatment for Tb ask sassa grant for Tb they give me to filter they date to meet doctor hi sign everything hi sand back to sassa grant I went from sassa they did everything before they finish we get loocksheding then they give sli to next week when I came was close that is time starting lockdown I want know what cane do now
When may i be able to renew my disability sassa grant?
People who has turn sixty want to register for grand what to do or where to go?
When and where can we apply for covid distress grant
Why do the pensioeners not get paid their grants before the end of the month? If paid on the 4th, 1. The banks and shops are full of viruses potentially from all that shopped after month end pay. 2. The shelves are empty of all specials. 3. Many people avoid the end of month rush and only go to the shops by the 3rd/4th day after payday. As the grant people still barely receive enough to stay alive, although very grateful for what they receive, can the major shops not be forced to on showing I’d ‘s give special discounts for the elderly to ensure that their money can go a bit further??
What happens to the elderly that normally gets the money paid into their bank accounts is that also only going to happen on the 4 th now
As sassa beneficiaries already can’t wait for the 1st of each month to buy food now we have to wait until the 4th of each month……how will that make the queues shorter if we desperately wait for the 1st of each month for our sassa money now we must wait until the 4th…….and the president says he cares about “his” people” what a joke…..i hope the president (who don’t need money anyway) & ministers & government officials are also going to be paid only the 4th of each month to feel the pinch…..sorry to all my sassa fellow mates that we have to wait until the 4th…..the government once again fail “his” own people…….
I agree cause we won’t a have along ques specially for the old n disable
How did SA government handled the foreigners about corona virus during this lockdown
Hi I need to review again I’m due since February I have been collecting disability grant it lapse need to renew wat do I do my funds from my grant help me to eat etc call on 0712825082 miss suraya
What will happen to people whom their grants expired. That needed to renew. Especially people with disabilities.
Its very easy collecting grants with a sassa grant card but as was announced how to other people get through in this difficult time to collect our so called payment with no finicial help the numbers and emails do not go through….please help. Thank you
People with disabilities related to other conditions,how should they renew their their pension as Sasha not working due covid19,by avoid gathering at their office,cause for their renewal should authorized by doctors
During payment process, elderly people and disabled, they should be monitored,
I am impressed that they could organise this so quickly when I’ve still not managed to get any old age pension grant, not one cent since December when I tried. I recently had to undergo an Emergency Quadtripple Bypass & am now almost 70 years old yet have not had a cent. I have my green ID book, plus 3months bank statements, been to a lawyer for assistance & still no help from anyone. I have been to Bellville SASSA over 3 times but somehow security gives me a time to return as I’m told Old Age Pensions have changed fot today. I have wasted over a tank full of petrol riding back & forth & then came the Lockdown so I am not yet even registered as a SASSA member. I worked all my life since I turned 16 years old until 60&now no money to live on. I am single & battle along with help from friends. I really don’t know what to do anymore. If you wish to contact me my no is 0765269481. I feel like I have lost faith in SASSA as I won’t get back what I have lost in Old age grants already. I wish you all the best with the new system and trust you can help everyone. Have a great day. God bless Mrs. Valerie K. Steenkamp.
I would appreciate if someone could contact me & help me get this process going & corrected ASAP as I do not own a home & have proof of my permanent residence. I think I have waited long enough.
I want to know when is sassa going to announce that wen are they going to help people who do not have uif to start registering the R350 convid 19 distress grant
l need to apply an unemployment grants for 350
Very good news thank you
When is bothasig town hall opening again for me to make application for my old age pension
i think it is not a good idea to pay on 4th of the month….
the debit orders are going to be a problem …they supposed to come off on 1st..
now everything must be changed at the bank…
I didn’t receive money last month
I would like to apply for a sassa old age grant I am 64yrs years old
I would like to know those who give birth before this lockdown took place where can i go to apply for my baby’s social grant?
When will people receive the grant which is always paid straight into bank account
Mine is a question rather…
I would like to know how to register for the unemployment grant?
My email is as follows…
Cell: 0725545744
I appreciate the Government the afford thank you South Africa much appreciated I’m waiting for the food package thanks
I’m disability I’m getting sassa for 12 months they send me the letter to remind me to apply this month sassa office was close yesterday where can I get the help because i have to get form from sassa to go to the doctor ,I need help because please
All these are good questions – who is supposed to be answering them?
My pension usually paid into my bank account today is 4th May and nothing in my account
My granny did not receive her pension today… What’s happening