Burning of refuse in town illegal
IT IS illegal for residents to burn refuse in town, Enoch Mgijima municipality spokesman Fundile Feketshane said this week following a complaint by a resident.
The Westbourne resident said the refuse was set alight in the back yard of another home on Saturday morning and by Monday it continued to smoulder, emitting smoke which covered the area.
Feketshane has called on residents to report such actions to the municipality “so that the transgressors can be brought to book.”
He said burning of refuse in town was against the constitutional provision of a clean environment.
“The community services directorate is entrusted with the responsibility of refuse removal and cleaning and we do that with a schedule. We call on everyone to stop those activities and behave in a manner that ensures we do not trample on each other’s rights.”
He said the local authority was planning campaigns to educate people on matters such as the burning of refuse and illegal dumping. – Rep reporter