WE see them virtually every week, residents of Komani and further afield lugging suitcases and plastic bags filled with clothing and shoes into The Rep offices. Some weeks toys and books are also delivered as locals reach out to give a helping hand to people they have not even met.
The Rep started its Blanket Drive, which morphed into a general drive for the needy, over a decade ago. Since then, not a month has gone by that people have not dropped off donations to be handed out to the needy.
The donations have gone (and continue to be sent) to various charity organisations operating in the area. On the odd occasion, we also have people coming in from the street, often begging for a pair of shoes to keep out the wet or a warm jacket to ward off the winter chill.
It’s been an inspiring and a distressing exercise in full measure.
I remember once meeting an American woman who said she had never seen such kindness and generosity as that shown by Komani people towards those in need.
This week, The Rep reports on a Komani businesswoman who helped a school build three classrooms and funded further renovations, 11 DJs who banded together to support the needs of Khayalethemba Care Centre, and the Friends of Madeira’s ongoing efforts to help the old age home.
The Rep has featured dozens of similar stories in the past where people, often those with few resources themselves, have achieved what might have seemed impossible, to help those with less. Care and kindness is out there and it is visible in the Komani community.
Much more needs to be done, that is obvious.
A drive through the informal settlements or even some residential areas bears testimony to the great need within our community. Sometimes, such need is not as obvious or visible as these examples, but it is as pressing.
The Rep will continue, with your support, to distribute the clothing you so kindly donate to the needy. We will also soon be starting our annual Blanket Drive with an appeal for the donation of used or new linen and/or blankets.
Together, we can and will make a difference. People of Komani, we salute you for caring.