WITH the Easter weekend fast approaching, the police have warned members of the public that it will be a weekend where criminals will try to enrich themselves at the cost of others.
Acting provincial commissioner of the Eastern Cape, Major General Andre Swart, speaking at a media briefing in King William’s Town, said while the holidays were a time of relaxation, the police was asking people to remain on guard and to make “ smart and responsible decisions especially when alcohol is consumed. Also take steps to secure the safety of their loved ones and property at all times, with the emphasis on young children.”
Swart said the police in the province had crafted an operational plan which would involve all law enforcement agencies, supported by various stakeholders. A crime prevention operation, Operation Paseka, was also planned for the period.
The operation would include roadblocks, patrols, search-and-seizure operations and strategically deployed resources all over the province especially in areas where an influx of tourists would be expected.
“We appeal to all people of the ‘Province of Legends’ to welcome our visitors and ensure that they enjoy our hospitality, personal protection and that of their property. We also express our appreciation to the men and women in blue who will be separated from their families by the call of duty to ensure that all can enjoy a safe and happy Easter break.”