Actions negate Nelson Mandela’s race efforts

ZWELIBANGILE Modi of Ezibeleni writes: The so-called Black First Land First or BLF – I do not know whether it is an organisation or a militia group – has been set up to defend the Guptas.

My observation of it is that it is as racist as the AWB.

Their hatred for whites is making the efforts of Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Desmond Tutu and countless others who propagated for a nonracial South Africa, futile.

The BLF clique blindly refused to accept that the Save South Africa marches over the whole country against President Jacob Zuma were nonracial – that is a fact.

It is wrong to watch racism from one section of our community, for instance, whites only and to turn a blind eye when it emanates from blacks.

I ask myself, what would the reaction of government have been had the MKVA in full military regalia been the former white SANDF members purporting to protect Vootrekkerhoogte?

I am sure there would have been an outcry, they would have been accused of crying for the colonial era.

South Africans must surely refuse to be divided on the basis of colour.