The Bowker’s climb: will you be there?



IN just over 48 hours, a group of Komani youths will climb Bowker’s Kop as part of the “The Different View” project which is being done by Dream Big Productions in partnership with The Rep.

The aim of the project is to allow youths from all walks of life to climb Bowker’s Kop together on Friday, which marks Youth Day, in a show of solidarity and unity.

If you would like to be part of the climb, please do join us on the day.

The proceedings will be as follows: Meet at the Vessels of Honour church near Protea Superspar on Friday morning between 9.30am and 10.20am if you need transport. If you do not need a ride, be at Bowker’s Kop by 10.20am. The climb is due to start by 10.30am.

After the climb, join the group at the Vessels of Honour church for a soup kitchen for the needy. If you are able to contribute blankets or children’s clothing, Dream Big Productions would like to hand out donations to street children on the day as well.

Contact Viwe Qintsi on 076 360 9312 for further information.