Women join to support and share


STEPPING OUT: Ndiwa Ndivuka founders, from left, Nondumiso Yemeni, Unathi Mtembu, Nomhle Hemeni and Thandokazi Gungqwa. They say they want to create a positive platform where women can get together and help each other realise their goals Picture: NTSIKELELO QOYO

On Saturday women in Komani gathered for an elegant afternoon of inspiration, empowerment and celebration of womanhood at the launch of Ndiwa Ndivuka, an organisation for women by women.

Ndiwa Ndivuka is the brainchild of Iviwe Twenani, Unathi Mtembu, Nomhle Hemeni, Nondumiso Hemeni and Thandokazi Gungqwa. “There is no positive space where we can gather and positively talk about issues that affect us women,” said Mtembu.

We go through a lot as women. We go through the same things, like unfaithful partners, to ones that do not show up, that is every woman’s story. Instead of going around gossiping, we want to create a platform to build each other up and grow. Ndiwa Ndivuka acknowledges that women go through a lot. We want women to know that when they do fall there is hope, they can get up again,” said Mtembu.

On the afternoon there were speakers including Lindokuhle Dlokweni, a clinical psychologist, who spoke on self-actualisation. She walked her audience through Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

She said no one can self-actualise who is not self aware: “It is important to know oneself. As women we cannot expect to take partners we ourselves do not know. Self actualised people accept themselves and others; they achieve their goals and do not get stuck on strict social norms.”

Nontebeko Nonmnganga, chief financial officer at the Chris Hani Development Agency (CHDA), also spoke on self development. Nomnganga shared the story of how she did not let failure and disappointments deter her from her goals. She told the audience of lessons like having an attitude to learn and being goal-orientated helped her achieve her goals.

“It was grit that got me where I am. You can never grow yourself if you are not determined,” said Nomnganga.

Other speakers included Nomhle Hemeni, who spoke on living a balanced life and Apostle Thandiwe Duka, from Holy Trinity Ministries in Komani, who spoke on spiritual upliftment.

The event was held over lunch, after which all the women took part in a photo shoot. Iviwe Twenani said she wanted the guests to leave knowing that they have worth.

This will be the first of many community outreach programmes. We want to go to homes and reach out to rape victims; anything that will have a positive impact on society. Today women with cars came here, but we want those women who feel as if they are alone, who cannot get by; those are the women we want to reach out to,” said Hemeni.

People interested in getting in touch with Ndiwa Ndivuka can visit their Facebook page – with the same name – or call Twenani on 079-265 0723.