WATCH | Hailstones ‘as big as tennis balls’ batter Pietermaritzburg

Hailstones as large as tennis balls battered Pietermaritzburg on Wednesday afternoon.
Image: supplied

Pietermaritzburg residents ran for cover when hailstones as large as tennis balls battered the KwaZulu-Natal capital on Wednesday afternoon.

The sudden hailstorm started at 3pm and within minutes had damaged property and vehicles.

Wykeham Collegiate pupils watched the downpour from indoors before running out to play as soon as the hailstorm ended.

“The temperature in Pietermaritzburg was scorching today, so the girls were thrilled with the excitement of the afternoon storm which saw hailstones the size of golf and tennis balls raining down,” said Wykeham marketing co-ordinator Jackie Clausen.

She said the school would assess the damage to property and vehicles on Thursday.

“But today we are just enjoying some lighthearted fun,” Clausen said.

Others were already dreading counting the cost of damage to their property and vehicles.

Some took to measuring the size of the hailstones.

The SA Weather Service was unavailable to say on whether hail was common this time of the year or to provide more information on whether residents should expect more hailstorms over the next few days.

By Nivashni Nair – TimesLIVE