The South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) is being investigated by the Human Rights Commission for denying children the right to education, writes Katherine Child.
In 2015‚ the Democratic Alliance asked the commission to investigate the union for stopping children from receiving their constitutional right to education.
The commission has confirmed it will do so‚ according to Gavin Davies‚ the DA’s education spokesman.
Davies said: “We need to remove all impediments that prevent our children from escaping poverty‚ and this means holding SADTU bosses accountable for their role in denying children a right to a quality basic education.”
The DA is unhappy with the union because:
• SADTU has blocked attempts by the minister of education to install devices that monitor when teachers check in and out for work in order to control widespread absenteeism.
• The union will not allow teachers’ competence to be assessed and have blocked performance agreements between the Department of Education and principals.
• The Democratic Alliance complained about a scandal in which SADTU officials were accused of selling posts.
The DA also complained about strikes that leave pupils with no teachers.