Group angry over farm’s occupation

LAND OCCUPATION: Angry members of the Mlungisi Farmer’s Association and herdsmen standing in one of the kraals at Two Trees farm, after a conflict with the farm’s new tenant Picture: ANDISA BONANI

East London-based boxing promoter Ayanda Matiti pulled a gun on members of the Mlungisi Farmers’ Association during an altercation over the occupancy of the Two Trees farm on Monday.

Members of the association escorted more than 300 head of cattle to the farm in retaliation against the new tenant, Matiti, who is set to officially move on to the farm next month.

Matiti’s move follows the abrupt removal of the previous lessee of a portion of the farm, Jaques van Altena, whose family owned the land for close to 40 years before selling it to the then local authority a few years ago.

The chairman of the association, Zola Magoqoza, said they had decided to do as Matiti did, occupy the land without properly acquiring it.

He indicated that Two Trees farm was one of the farms they identified as having an interest in after the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality (EMLM) said they were doing a land audit report in 2017, before they could allocate the land to them.

We have applied to the relevant government departments for land for our livestock for many years and to the local municipality. All the past mayors know about our plight, so we were shocked to learn about an individual who claims to have been approved by the public works department to occupy the farm. We are an organised group which has also dealt with public works about this matter. It is hard to believe that government would give so much land to one person, and ignore an organised group of livestock owners who are seeking the same thing.”

Van Altena said he received an eviction notice from public works on May 5, indicating he had a month to move out of the house because a new tenant would occupy the home he lived in with his wife, as well as the rest of the farm.

We have lived here since 1983 and my father was approached by the then municipality who wanted to buy the farm in 1996, with the option to lease it for the next 90 years or so. I do not know what happened over the years, but I think the farm was later sold to public works and documents over the years may have got lost. I had to go to the department to prove previous ownership of the land. We agreed I would sign a lease to occupy the house every two years. I do not know what has changed now, but I received a letter stating I needed to move out and that is what I will do. I have already found an alternative place to stay and I am at peace.”

The association met with Matiti on Sunday to hear how he had managed to get the land and from whom. The meeting ended before any fruitful discussions had taken place as the gentlemen were at each other’s throats about the matter.

Speaking to the Rep, Matiti said he followed the correct procedure in acquiring the land and it was approved by the department. He was waiting to sign a document to formalise everything.

My application was approved by the department so I started moving some of my livestock here in agreement with the current lessee of the land. I am originally from Sada and have done extensive research about unoccupied land in this area. It is unfortunate that when a black man does the right thing and wants to succeed in life there will be those who want to bring him down.”

On Monday, police were called to the farm as members of the association with their herdsmen and Ayanda Matiti with his herdsmen and acquaintances, almost had got physical when his cattle were forcefully moved off the farm.

Matiti subsequently called the police to resolve the matter and the members of the association were taken to the police station and later released on warning.

Komani police spokesperson captain Namhla Mdleleni confirmed members of the association were arrested and charged for trespassing but were later released on warning.

EMLM spokesperson Lonwabo Kowa said members of the farmers’ association had requested a meeting with the office of the mayor to raise their concerns.

“The meeting with the farmers was set for Thursday (yesterday) to iron out their issues and to try and assist them. However, the farm in question is not the property of the local authority and matters related to it should be directed to the owner.”

Public works department spokesperson Vuyokazi Mbanjwa confirmed the farm belonged to the state and was acquired by the former Cape Provincial Administration in 1993.

The lease agreement with Van Altena was not renewed as the 85ha farm was under-utilised in terms of its current land use. The property has been identified as an immovable asset that could generate a constant revenue stream for the province while addressing transformation in the agricultural sector. The lease agreement with Van Altena was only for the main house on the farm and excluded the agricultural section (grazing field) of the property.”

Mbanjwa said the department only received an application from the farmers’ association which was submitted at the department’s regional office in Komani on May 27.


  1. Matiti trending & project is on working with cavemant we don’t get anything from this farm salary is not the salary cavemant hi say we have to get and we thincavemant his out l want to now about Matiti all this farmers full of crimenals bare tsietsafa Rena le five years mopolasing Gategara registered how Raitse gore puso yaretloge ere tlogela ore kebone botsotsi bore Bonang puso irile Rena le salary edibeileng mare five years ereberekileng mo Harisi rebone nna kebatla goitse gore ke molao wa campane Pele retsaya dikgato