Judge Zondo expected to rule on Zuma’s recusal application


State capture commission chairperson, Raymond Zondo, is expected to announce his decision in the next few minutes on whether he will recuse himself from the commission as sought by former president Jacob Zuma.
Zondo was due to hand down the ruling yesterday but postponed it to today. He said: “I’m not going to give a final decision today. I am still working on it. I am going to use today to work on that judgment. We will resume tomorrow at 10am by which time I hope to be ready to make my ruling. If for some reason I am not ready at 10am, communication will be sent to all concerned. I am going to aim for 10am.
Zuma says Zondo is biased against him and he wants the deputy chief justice to withdraw as the presiding officer of the commission. One of the reasons is he and Zondo have a personal history. Zondo has denied this.
Zuma’s attorney, Muzi Sikhakhane, said on Monday if Zondo refused to recuse himself and forced the former president to testify at the commission, he would exercise his right not to answer questions.
Zuma asked not to be present at the commission today as he would be attending a funeral, a request granted by Zondo.