Staff at social development receive their vaccinations

Zodidi Mdzeke-Mrashula from Cofimvaba got her Covid-19 vaccination jab recently at the Thobi Kula Indoor Sport Centre Picture: NTSIKELELO QOYO

Vaccine rollouts are continuing in Komani and department of social development workers were the latest to line up for the life-saving shots.

The workers became eligible from last Monday and more than 300 from around the Chris Hani region queued at the Thobi Kula Indoor Sports Centre last week to get their jabs.

Chris Hani department of social development director, Veronica Mpondwana, said they were on a mission to make sure no worker was left behind although vaccination was voluntary.

“The department has been working with district and local early childhood development forums to ensure no one is left behind, given that early childhood development centres (ECDCs) remain open while schools are closed and practitioners are equally at risk of contracting the virus. The social development sector has been prioritised for vaccination during the current phase, given the huge task of daily interaction with the public in fulfilling our mandate of serving the most vulnerable in society. The department encourages the sector to be vaccinated as this is important for their own safety, even though vaccination remains voluntary,” said Mpondwana.

“All social service practitioners, including social workers, (public, private and in NGOs), social auxiliary workers, child and youth care workers and community development practitioners are eligible. Added to these are the ECD workforce.

“All other offices except Enoch Mgijima started on Monday with the ECD sector. We look forward to finalising the programme by Friday for the sector to continue to effectively deliver social protection and development services to people,” she added.

who spoke to The Rep after getting her jab said she was happy to finally be vaccinated. “I am happy because now I know I will protect myself and those around me. I have been waiting for a long time. If it was up to me I would have been vaccinated along with the 60+ group. My arm is sore at the moment, but it is very much worth it.”

Nomsa Zazini from Komani said although she was hesitant about being vaccinated, she did it to be protected. “I had mixed feelings at first. There are a lot of stories going around, but it has to be done. I am glad we are finally being vaccinated because we work with people and at times we felt unsafe.”

People 35 years and older can now register with the department of health. You can dial *134*832*ID Number # or dial 0800 029 99, WhatsApp 0600 123456 or visit the website