Slipper Day on May 12

Slipper Day 2017 is around the corner. The Reach For A Dream Foundation is calling on all South Africans to buy a R10 wristband from their local Pick and Pay or Wimpy store. The funds raised from this creative initiative will all go towards fulfilling dreams of children who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, and cardiac conditions.

“We only get one chance to fulfil a child’s dream. A magical moment always occurs when the dream is being fulfilled because for each child that magical moment changes everything for them” says Julia Sotirianakos the CEO of the Foundation. “We believe in the power of what a dream can do. We give strength and courage to our children to fight their illnesses.”

By purchasing a R10 wristband at PnP or Wimpy you will help RFAD raise the much needed funds to carry on the work we do. In addition to this, if you wear your wristband and slippers on the 12th May at a Wimpy store you will receive a free cup of coffee.

“When a mother tells me, seeing my child smile just makes my heart melt, I know we’ve inspired hope in both the mother and child” says Julia Sotirianakos the CEO of the Foundation.